Catchment based concepts and plans; inter-communal cooperation


Land use and land cover changes as well as intensification or extensification of land use are altering the hydrologic system and have potentially large impacts on flooding in lower lying areas. Upstream and downstream interconnections, interactions and action’s intereffects should be taken into consideration in planning activities, especially when problems occur in settlement areas. Formal…

Restoration of wetlands


Among other benefits, the measure serves as a heavy rain risk reduction measure as it delays and attenuates also water on its way to a stream. Wetland provides water retention and improves the hydrological regime of degraded land. Rewetting includes a wide variety of large and small-scale measures, e.g. impounding measures like blocking of drainage…

Risk area identification, mapping and designation


A proper hazard and risk assessment (with informative maps as central outputs) is the essential basis for starting an integrated risk management process. The assessment is a challenging multistep task, which requires – aside from clear objectives – input data (e.g. about historic events and damages, terrain and landuse data), methodological skills and decisions as…

Contact persons and consultation hours for citizens’ consultation


Risk awareness grows and turns into action when recurring and continuous information and personal expert advice are provided to private home owners as well as to public bodies. Contact persons and public consultation hours offer a greater guarantee of success than online information services or advertising campaigns. Acceptance of measures can be additionally promoted if…

Sequential sedimentation and biofiltration systems


Such systems consist of a variety of a hydrophyte treatment plants for eco-hydrological regulation. They are structured in three zones: a zone for intensive sedimentation (in which a combination of fixed and portable structures modifies the hydrodynamics of the chamber and increases sedimentation); another zone for intensive biogeochemical processes (where thick limestone fractions capture phosphorus…