The average annual precipitation may show extremely high territorial and temporal variability in Hungary because of three climatic effects (continental, oceanic, mediterranean). Due to such conditions a considerable part of precipitation is lost by surface runoff, infiltration and evaporation, but principally in the flat-land regions, excess waters cause severe problems and damages mainly in the agricultural areas because of the topographical characteristics (basin-bottom character). The excess water is a form of temporary water inundation that appears on flat lands due to extreme precipitation, sudden melting of snow, or high groundwater level, which can emerge on the surface (so called under flooding or water uprush). Damage caused by excess waters can be occurred about 1.8 million hectares, from which 60% is located in the arable-land in Hungary.
- assess and map risks
- communicate risks
- identify risk reduction measures
Land use:
- urban, rural , agricultural
Land form / terrain:
- lowland
Tiszakécske is located in Bács-Kiskun county in the middle Tisza district, in Hungary, about 30 km from the Headquaters of the Middle Tisza District Water Directorate. Tiszakécske is located on the right bank of the Tisza River. Area of Tiszakécske is approximately 133 km2. There is an old oxbow at Tiszakécske.
In the area of Tiszakécske is both pluvial and fluvial floods can occur. The pluvial flood in this area can appear almost every year. The pluvial flood causes damages by the long duration time (sometimes more than 30 days) on settlements and on arable land in lowland areas as well.
In the area of Tiszakécske most of the pluvial floods occur at the end of winter’s and early spring’s period usually in same time as fluvial flood on the Tisza River. Besides heavy rain events significant precipitation on oversaturated or frozen ground or fast snow melting can cause inundation in the area. Pluvial flood is quite rare at the end of spring or early summer.
Assessment and mapping:
Description of methodological background and outcomes
For modelling the complex relationship, we collected suitable and available spatial information on the predictor variables, which properly represent the influencing factors. The selected influential factors: Effect of hydrometeorology, Effect of Relief, Effect of soil, Effect of geology, Effect of groundwater, Effect of land use.
Multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) was used for modeling the joint effect of the selected influential factors on inundation. MLRA only partly explains the spatial variability (pattern) of the distribution of excess water. Kriging of the MLRA residuals provides the stochastic component. Kriging requires knowledge of the spatial auto-correlation, estimated by the semivariogram of the variable to be spatially predicted, which in our case is the MLRA residual. An exponential semivariogram model was fitted to the experimental semivariogram, which was then applied to calculate the kriging weights in the spatial interpolation. Superposing the regression and interpolation results provided the overall Regression Kriging prediction of the inundation hazard.
Risk reduction measures:
Water management plan of Tiszakécske was made within RAINMAN project. The aim of management plan is to expound the geographic conditions, hydrography, the threats and the risks of the settlement and to describe the prevention and defense measures against excess waters and floods. The management plan has five different main chapters.
- Basis parts of management plan
This chapter consist of the general introduction of Tiszakécske Town, characterization of the catchment, vulnerability by the pluvial floods, and the opportunities of the available defense measures.
- Rules of the levels of the defense
In this chapter the defense measures are specified to different levels of pluvial flood and fluvial flood alert.
- Tasks of the defense organization of the council
At this chapter, the structure of the defense organization is detailed.
- Action program
There is basic information about the responsibility of the mayor, about the measures of the defense, about the prevention and about the aftercare.
- Tasks of out of defense term
This part contains prevention measures, and the tasks of maintenance with the dispatch of the developments.
The 6th and the 7th chapters contains the annexes of the profiles of the drainage system, details of the attainabilities of the available resources (man power, machines, materials and equipment) and templates for the documentation of the term of defense.
Risk communication:
The RAINMAN project’s mid-term conference was held on 20th March 2019 in Tiszakécske. The conference’s main aim was to have an overview about the project implementation, about the main outcomes and results in front of a wider scale of public participants at the level of decision makers and involved interest groups. Stakeholders from various fields of expertise attended the conference, for example water management, public administration and nature conservation. External experts and RAINMAN partners presented different aspects of heavy rain risk management with the aim to reduce negative impacts of heavy rain events. One focus of the presentations was on Hungarian approaches and experiences that consider areas characterized by low land.
- All
- assessment and mapping
- Risk reduction measures

High-resolution excess water hazard and risk mapping
of agricultural areas in Tiszakécske, HU
Read more in EN [pdf; 898 KB]

VIZ24 mobile application
for support the protection against the pluvial flood
Read more in EN [pdf; 251 KB]
The area of the pilot action is located in the Middle Tisza District, in the northeastern part of the Great Cumanian Region, about 50 km from the Centre of the Middle Tisza Water Directorate. The Directorate has 4 sub-offices (at Szolnok, Kisköre, Mezőtúr and Karcag). The town of Kunhegyes is surrounded by Abádszalók in the north, Kunmadaras and Karcag in the east, Kenderes and Fegyvernek in the west and Tiszagyenda from the north. The affected area, is located in the competence area of Karcag sub-office, In case of inland water defence situation, (so called flatflood) the leadership of this area is the 10.07 inlandwater defence section.
The rainwater drainage network of the settlement was reconstructed and developed in 2015. This catchment consists of 3 sub-basin, the recipient water body of two of them are the Villogo-channel and the third one’s recipient is the Kakat-channel. The population of the settlement was 8506 in 2007 and 9033 in 2012.
The rainwater drainage network of settlement was designed to cope with the 2 years return time and 50 percent probability of occurrence rainfall (desingning rainfall according to Hungarian standards). The recipients of this system are the Villogo-channel and the Kakat-channel. The standard rainfall can fully fill up, or overrun this pipe and ditch network. In this situation, the Karcag sub-office must to operate the inline structures, sluices, pumping stations as well as.
Assessment and mapping:
Description of methodological background and outcomes
For modelling the complex relationship, we collected suitable and available spatial information on the predictor variables, which properly represent the influencing factors. The selected influential factors: Effect of hydrometeorology, Effect of Relief, Effect of soil, Effect of geology, Effect of groundwater, Effect of land use.
Multiple linear regression analysis (MLRA) was used for modeling the joint effect of the selected influential factors on inundation. MLRA only partly explains the spatial variability (pattern) of the distribution of excess water. Kriging of the MLRA residuals provides the stochastic component. Kriging requires knowledge of the spatial auto-correlation, estimated by the semivariogram of the variable to be spatially predicted, which in our case is the MLRA residual. An exponential semivariogram model was fitted to the experimental semivariogram, which was then applied to calculate the kriging weights in the spatial interpolation. Superposing the regression and interpolation results provided the overall Regression Kriging prediction of the inundation hazard.
Risk reduction measures:
Kakat reservoir was built within RAINMAN project.
This reservoir is a side storage that means the storage area is parallel along the main canal. The retention basin is created to mitigate the negative effects of heavy rain in the catchment area. The recipient of the stormwater system of Kunhegyes is the Kakat channel. The main aim of this storage is to cover the free outflow of the system. In the rural areas the competent water management organization is responsible for covering the free outflow. It means the Directorate has to control the channel level as low as possible taking into account other types of utilization (irrigation, recreation etc.).
The capacity of the storage area is almost 11000 m3, its length is 550 meters, the lowest level is 82.45 m (above Baltic Sea). That means the depth of the water in the storage area can reach 2 meters. The storage has two structures with which the water level is controlled. The procedure is as follows: The flood (excess water) is led into the area by the water level control structures, after the deduction of the flood the stored water can be led out into the main channel.
The standard flow from the sub-catchment of Kunhegyes is 430 l/s. According to Hungarian standards the duration time of the standard precipitation in urban areas is 10 minutes. Due to these characteristic the capacity of the storage area had to be increased by 258 m3. The operational water level in the Kakat-channel is higher than the excess water level due to irrigation purposes. According to these characteristics the storage area was planned with a volume of 11000 m3.
So with this facility, the effects of heavy rains (excess water floods) can be reduced more easily, controlled more accurately and safely.
- All
- assessment and mapping
- Risk reduction measures

High-resolution excess water hazard and risk mapping
of agricultural areas in Kunhegyes, HU
Read more in EN [pdf; 1.6 MB]

Optimise rain water storage at Kakat Pond
Read more in EN [pdf; 258 KB]

VIZ24 mobile application
for support the protection against the pluvial flood
Read more in EN [pdf; 251 KB]
Hungarian method of assessment of mapping for flat lands | Available in Hungarian
Bozán Csaba, Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NAIK); Körösparti János, Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Kutatóintézetében (ÖVKI)
For modelling the complex relationship, we collected suitable and available spatial information on the predictor variables, which properly represent the influencing factors. The selected influential factors: Effect of hydrometeorology, Effect of Relief, Effect of soil, Effect of geology, Effect of groundwater, Effect of land use.
Hazard and risk map Tiszakécske pilot action | Available in Hungarian
Bozán Csaba, Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NAIK); Körösparti János, Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Kutatóintézetében (ÖVKI)
Using the developed methode making risk and hazard map of Tiszakécske territory.
Hazard and risk map Kunhegyes 10.07 inlandwater defence section pilot action | Available in Hungarian
Bozán Csaba, Nemzeti Agrárkutatási és Innovációs Központ (NAIK); Körösparti János, Öntözési és Vízgazdálkodási Kutatóintézetében (ÖVKI)
Using the developed methode making risk and hazard map of Kunhegyes 10.07 inlandwater defence section.
Evaluation of the relationship between inland water damages and the quality of the landscape arrangement planning of the settlements in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county | Available in Hungarian
Gutman József, EX! Épitésziroda Kft.
Evaluation of the relationship between inland water damages and the quality of the landscape arrangement planning of the settlements in Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county.