Land consolidation processes


Land consolidation is a planning process likely to clarify land ownership, reduce fragmentation of agricultural land ownership and to improve rural infrastructure and living conditions. This way it can reintroduce technical measures into collectivized field blocks, and positively influence landscape fragmentation for improving water retention and avoiding uncontrolled hazardous surface runoff. Land consolidation processes should…



Soakaways are buried chambers that store surface water and allow it to soak into the ground. They are typically square or circular excavations either filled with rubble or lined with brickwork, pre-cast concrete or polyethylene rings/perforated storage structures surrounded by granular backfill. They can be built in many shapes and can often be accommodated within…

Absorbent pans/basins, filtration pans


The main objective of this measure is the retention and infiltration of rainwater. The good biological treatment and the retention of solute substances also allow the retention and pre-treatment of heavy polluted water. The light trough shape and the vegetation allow the integration into green areas.

LEADER processes


LEADER is an integrated development process in rural areas funded by EU CAP funds and designed to engage, enable, resource and empower local (rural) communities. The LEADER approach comprises e.g. bottom up elaboration and implementation of area based local development strategies; integrated and multi-sectoral actions; networking and cooperation. Heavy rain/flood risk reduction can be assigned…