Absorbent pans/basins, filtration pans


The main objective of this measure is the retention and infiltration of rainwater. The good biological treatment and the retention of solute substances also allow the retention and pre-treatment of heavy polluted water. The light trough shape and the vegetation allow the integration into green areas.

LEADER processes


LEADER is an integrated development process in rural areas funded by EU CAP funds and designed to engage, enable, resource and empower local (rural) communities. The LEADER approach comprises e.g. bottom up elaboration and implementation of area based local development strategies; integrated and multi-sectoral actions; networking and cooperation. Heavy rain/flood risk reduction can be assigned…

Strategic documents


The measure covers all kinds of inormal planning documents for the improvement of land management in order to counteract dangerous phenomena of soil erosion and surface runoff in risk areas or minimise their effects (e.g. natural retention programs, urban adaptation plans for climate change, etc.). All regulations aim at determining directions of proceedings to reduce…

Absorbent wells


Wells filled with infiltration material and covered with soil, stones or other covering that absorb water from nearby paved surfaces

Dry detention reservoirs and depressions of any capacity


Natural or artificially created detention basins and depressions with a specific retention capacity can be used as temporary water reservoir for runoff water during heavy rainfall. They slow down the surface runoff; thus they contribute to a delay and attenuation of flood waves. They should be located at the deepest point in almost any surrounding…