Establishing and considering of local and regional land-use planning


Land-use planning is an effective instrument to reduce future heavy rain risk. The heavy rain risk can decrease significantly, if changes of use, adjustments of use, restrictions of use or heavy rain-adapted construction and development in flood prone areas are considered in both phases of planning: formulation and implementation of plans. The power of the…

Visualisation and explanation of the specific risk situation at site


Visualisation of specific hazard and risk at site (e.g. on maps, installed billboard at locations etc.) is an effective way of pointing out dangers to affected persons and institutions. Maps indicate the specific hazard and risk on site and could be provided on the municipality’s online portal for example. Easily understandable information for the interpretation…

Event and damage documentation; event analysis


All pluvial flood events with damages should be documented and analysed regarding causes and impacts. The measure includes the assessment of buildings and infrastructure concerning their usability (e.g. transport routes, water supply, waste water disposal). Collected data are the basis for compensation requests to insurance or public disaster funds (if available). Moreover, lessons learnt can…

Afforestation in headwater areas and on hillslopes


Headwaters are the source areas for rivers and streams, crucial for sustaining the structure, function, productivity and complexity of downstream ecosystems. In areas of high relief, afforestation of headwater catchments can contribute to slope stabilization and may reduce the risks associated with landslides.

Appropriate design of unsealed roads and stream crossing in forests


Design of forest roads should be done in a way that surface water is diverted to the forest aside. Various surfaces cross drain solutions with a different level of maintenance need are available (e.g. rolling drain dip, culverts, rubber strips). They need to be combined with ditch dams for directing runoff. New forest roads should…