Risk reducing during cutting and remediation procedures
The measure resides in eliminating the risk of forest soil damage due to cutting. Specifically, the measure includes for example use of cable transport systems, caterpillar tractors, and avoidance of transport in the same routes. If damages of the forest soil occur, it is necessary to remediate them immediately in order not to disrupt the natural soil processes. Any remediation activities depend on the specific damages and should be conducted immediately after finalizing the cutting.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
no good practice example available
- Office International de l’Eau (2015): Natural Water Retention Measures, URL: http://nwrm.eu (19.03.2020): continuous cover forestry
- Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský TGM (2018): Katalog přírodě blízkých opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině [Catalogue of green water retention measures in the landscape], URL: http://www.suchovkrajine.cz/vystupy (25.03.2020): Postupy při těžbě a sanace
- Norbert Billern, André Assmann, Jessica Kempf, Heike Puhlmann (2018): Land-und forstwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen zur Stärkung des Wasser-und Bodenrückhalts in Kommunen, URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324797743_Land-und_forstwirtschaftliche_Massnahmen_zur_Starkung_des_Wasser-und_Bodenruckhalts_in_Kommunen (19.03.2020): bodenschonende Holzernte
Stefan Greeb, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology