Risk area identification, mapping and designation-image

Risk area identification, mapping and designation

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

A proper hazard and risk assessment (with informative maps as central outputs) is the essential basis for starting an integrated risk management process. The assessment is a challenging multistep task, which requires – aside from clear objectives – input data (e.g. about historic events and damages, terrain and landuse data), methodological skills and decisions as well as resources. Based on the assessment results, the definition of an acceptable risk is necessary and the designation of land with a high risk of pluvial flooding for planning of appropriate risk mitigation measures is possible.

Fields of action Buildings,Settlement areas,Farmland,Forests,Watercourses,Risk communication,Emergency management
Synergies may exist between heavy rain risk management measures and other development goals like environmental protection, health care, and economic performance. Harnessing them requires involvement of different actors, enforcement of exchange between you and them and holistic thinking.

Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:

RAINMAN has collected vast experiences in risk assessment and mapping. Please check out the tool ASSESSMENT and MAPPING to get an overview.

The following experiences might also be interesting for you:



Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology