Absorbent pans/basins, filtration pans


The main objective of this measure is the retention and infiltration of rainwater. The good biological treatment and the retention of solute substances also allow the retention and pre-treatment of heavy polluted water. The light trough shape and the vegetation allow the integration into green areas.

Generating operation regulations for pluvial flood endangered facilities: commercial and industrial plans


Pluvial flooding should be considered in areas at risk. Damages in facilities can be reduced significantly, e.g. due to placement of electric installations, as well as damages originating from facilities, e.g. storage of dangerous goods and material. Periodical coordination with civil protection helps to avoid environmental damages. Plans should accommodate the likely changes in precipitation…

Risk area identification, mapping and designation


A proper hazard and risk assessment (with informative maps as central outputs) is the essential basis for starting an integrated risk management process. The assessment is a challenging multistep task, which requires – aside from clear objectives – input data (e.g. about historic events and damages, terrain and landuse data), methodological skills and decisions as…

Absorbent wells


Wells filled with infiltration material and covered with soil, stones or other covering that absorb water from nearby paved surfaces

Green roofs


Through the vegetation of the soil substrate on the roofs water is retained and can evaporate. Two system of green roofing can be distinguished based on the level of maintenance: extensive green roof to an intensive green roof.

Sealing of ground-reaching buildings; black tanks


The measure is for waterproofing buildings against ground moisture and seepage water at below-ground structural elements like walls. There are horizontal or vertical sealing methods existing. Horizontal seals prevent that moisture rises up. Vertical seals prevent moisture to enter the building from the sides. There are several solutions available with bitumen (black tank) and with…