Drainage ditches; swales


Ditches allow intercepting, infiltrating and alternatively draining the surface runoff without causing damage. They should be dimensioned to the corresponding return period of the discharge, meet functional requirements and get regular control and maintenance. Ditches on farmland are usually proposed in areas where the space for constructing furrows is limited. Within urban areas they are…

Natural hazard insurance for buildings


Insurance against natural hazards protects home owners against the financial consequences of floods caused by high water, heavy rainfall, backwater, earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, snow pressure, avalanches and volcanic eruptions. Most homes are not adequately insured against such natural hazards, although support from disaster funds is not expected. In Germany, for example, only 43 percent of…

White tanks


Base plate and outer walls of new buildings can be constructed as closed tank by using concrete with high waterproofness. As no sealing is necessary such constructions are called “white” tanks. The measure is comparatively expensive.

Dry detention reservoirs and depressions of any capacity


Natural or artificially created detention basins and depressions with a specific retention capacity can be used as temporary water reservoir for runoff water during heavy rainfall. They slow down the surface runoff; thus they contribute to a delay and attenuation of flood waves. They should be located at the deepest point in almost any surrounding…