Linear protection measures
Linear protection measures help to direct the water to areas, where it does not cause harm. Such measures are flood protection dams, flood protection walls, mobile flood protection systems, water drains (enhancement, removal of obstacles), storm water drainage and culverts, emergency waterways, flood channels, road drainage in case of new constructions and refurbishment. They have in common that they need maintenance, training in operating to ensure the functional capability.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
- Planting and maintenance of a buffer strip - Korbitzer Schanzen, Kirchsteigbachtal, DE
- Implementation of risk reduction measures through land consolidation, DE
- Flood protection measures Strunkovice nad Blanicí , CZ
- Realization of the culvert in the municipality of Lipí, CZ
- Flood protection and erosion control measures in Krajníčko, CZ
- Flood protection measures Ledenice – furrow and bypass channel, CZ
- Flood protection measures Přední Ptákovice, CZ
- Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Ed.) (2015): 1. Nationaler Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan [The first National Flood Risk Management Plan for Austria], URL: https://www.bmlrt.gv.at/wasser/wisa/hochwasserrisiko/rmp2015/risikomanagementplan/risikomanagementplan.html (22.06.2020): Schutz- und Regulierungswasserbauten planen und errichten - Lineare Schutzmaßnahmen
Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology