Plava i zelena infrastruktura
Sve vrste plave i zelene infrastrukture na naseljenim područjima (rijeke, riječne doline, akumulacije, prirodne i umjetne močvare, parkovi, trgovi, voćnjaci, vrtovi, zakupljena poljoprivredna zemljišta, zeleni ulični pojasevi, travnjaci i dr.) smanjuju otjecanje i povećavaju retencijski kapacitet. Očuvanje postojećih elemenata i stvaranje novih elemenata je doprinos upravljanju rizicima od obilnih oborina i ima velik broj dodatnih koristi.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
- Good Practice Catalogue – the Rules for Sustainable Management of Stormwater from Road Surface, PL
- Price estimation for solutions from the “Good Practice Catalogue – the Rules for Sustainable Management of Rainwater from Road Surface”, CZ
- Good Practice Catalogue – the Rules for Sustainable Management of Rainwater in an urbanized area (part II), CZ
- The municipal Wroclaw subsidy program "Catch the Rain", PL
- Water absorbing geocomposite (WAG)
- Factsheets of key reasearch findings of the UK BlueGreenCities-project: (25.03.2020)
- Sylwia Horska-Schwarz, Irena Krukowska Szopa, Andrzej Ruszlewicz, Małgorzata Horska (2018): SUSZA CZY POWÓDŹ? Poradnik adaptacji do zmian klimatu poprzez małą retencję i ochronę bioróżnorodności [DROUGHT OR FLOOD? Guide to adaptation to climate change through small retention and biodiversity protection], URL: (25.03.2020)
- Iwona Wagner, Kinga Krauze, Maciej Zalewski, Katedra Ekologii Stosowanej, Uniwersytet Łódzki, Europejskie Regionalne Centrum Ekohydrologii pod auspicjami UNESCO, PAN (): Błękitne aspekty zielonej infrastruktury [Blue aspects of green infrastructure], URL: (20.03.2020)
Torsten Kellermann, Pexels