LEADER processes


LEADER is an integrated development process in rural areas funded by EU CAP funds and designed to engage, enable, resource and empower local (rural) communities. The LEADER approach comprises e.g. bottom up elaboration and implementation of area based local development strategies; integrated and multi-sectoral actions; networking and cooperation. Heavy rain/flood risk reduction can be assigned…

Local subsidies and voluntary agreements for action exceeding mandatory management standards


There is a large set of EU-requirements and standards that land managers have to meet in order to receive support scheme payments (“cross compliance”). However, local risk assessment may require exceeding mandatory standards. Here, voluntary agreements between farmer, land owner and municipality and local subsidies may help. Subsidies and agreements should accommodate the likely changes…

Contact persons and consultation hours for citizens’ consultation


Risk awareness grows and turns into action when recurring and continuous information and personal expert advice are provided to private home owners as well as to public bodies. Contact persons and public consultation hours offer a greater guarantee of success than online information services or advertising campaigns. Acceptance of measures can be additionally promoted if…

Protection, rehabilitation and rejuvenation of forests esp. on slopes


Because of their retention effect and because they protect slopes from erosion, forests reduce surface water runoff and sediment transport. Forest management should be adapted to suit the specific needs of vulnerable objects further down the slope. Large-scale logging operations, for example, need to be avoided. Forest composition should be managed to achieve a water…

Creation of inundation zones


The main goal of this group of measures is to enhance the transformational and accumulation effects of existing and re-developing floodplains by terrain modifications like lowering of banks, offset or demolition of flood protection dikes etc. This allows the water to flood the floodplain during the periods of increased discharges.