Contact persons and consultation hours for citizens’ consultation


Risk awareness grows and turns into action when recurring and continuous information and personal expert advice are provided to private home owners as well as to public bodies. Contact persons and public consultation hours offer a greater guarantee of success than online information services or advertising campaigns. Acceptance of measures can be additionally promoted if…

Walls and dams for the protection of areas at high risk


By diverting the water away, adverse consequences in areas at risk are prevented in the event of floods up to design event levels. E.g. the property or parts of the property can be protected by a wall that surrounds the building and keeps running surface water away from it. However, before constructing a wall, investigations…

Living walls / vertical gardens


Walls using in its construction vegetation fed with atmospheric precipitation. During rainfall, some rainwater is used to wet the surface of the plants and their life needs, while the part returned to the atmosphere in the form of evapotranspiration.