Regija Južna Bohemija je u uskoj suradnji s Vodnogospodarskim istraživačkim institutom T. G. Masaryk, v.v.i. (VÚV) testirala zajednički razvijene metode i alate projekta RAINMAN za smanjivanje rizika od obilnih oborina. Kako bi se postiglo maksimalno smanjenje negativnih utjecaja pluvijalnih poplava, naročito na izgrađenim područjima, regija Južna Bohemija je razmatrala integriranje mjera zaštite od poplava u planove korištenja zemljišta. Partneri-suradnici su analizirali područje i identificirali „kritične točke“, predložili mjere za smanjivanje rizika, procijenili koje mjere treba obraditi u prostornom planu te provjerili omogućuju li prostorni planovi općina provedbu predloženih rješenja ili ih treba izmijeniti.

Studija je bila usmjerena na četiri pilot lokacije u Južnoj Bohemiji. Prethodilo joj je snimanje terena. Rad su pratila terenska istraživanja i sastanci s općinskim predstavnicima, naročito gradonačelnicima odnosno načelnicima općina.



  • komuniciranje o rizicima
  • mjere smanjivanja rizika

Korištenje zemljišta:

  • polu-urbano, poljoprivredno

Reljef / teren:

  • brdski










Study of the applicability of flood protection measures into spatial plans | Available in English and Czech, output T3.2.5.

Main output. It examines the applicability of the proposed risk reduction measures to mitigate the negative impacts of torrential rainfall into spatial plans in the legal environment of the Czech Republic. Includes examples of processing of changes in land use plans.

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Catalogue of 100 risk reduction measures | Available in English and Czech, output T2.1.2.

The catalog contains a list of risk reduction measures collected from all project partners. In addition to the list, a detailed description of the measure and the area of possible application (fields of action) are given. The material is the basis for the outputs Method of selection measures for spatial planning documentation and Selected measures implemented into spatial plans.

Download in English [pdf, 579 KB]

Download in Czech [pdf, 723 KB]

Method of selection measures for spatial planning documentation | Available in English and Czech, output T.3.2.4

In the legal environment of the Czech Republic, it is not possible to define in the spatial plans all measures listed in the Catalogue of measures (output T2.1.2). This paper will make it possible to determine whether it is a measure that can be defined in the spatial plan with regard to its detail.

Download in English [pdf, 677 KB]

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Selected measures implemented into spatial plans | Available in English and Czech, output T.3.2.5

In this output, the methods of their delimitation in the land-use planning documentation are methodically determined for individual measures, and these methods are fully respected by the study of the applicability.

Download in English [pdf, 546 KB]

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Heavy rain risk reduction by regional planning instrument | Available in English, output T2.2.3.

This material offers a basic overview of spatial planning tools and the links between them in the legal environment of the Czech Republic. It also briefly explains the possibilities of implementing risk reduction measures in spatial planning documentation.

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Study of runoff conditions, including design of possible protective measures | Available in Czech

The main goal of the study was the analysis and design of integrated protection in pilot locations (Popelín, Písek, Strakonice and Lipí). Based on the evaluation of erosion and runoff conditions, a proposal for protective measures was made, which was further confronted with the spatial planning documentation of municipalities within other activities of the RAINMAN project.

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Best practice examples from South Bohemia I Available in English and Czech

This material contains a clear catalogue of factsheets with best practice examples in the field of assessment and mapping, risk communication and especially from the implementation of risk reduction measures in South Bohemia.

Download in English [pdf, 12 MB]

Download in Czech [pdf, 13 MB]