Interaktivni oblici komuniciranja i sudjelovanja
Kako bi se povećalo znanje o upravljanju rizicima od obilnih oborina, mogu se organizirati različiti oblici interaktivnih događanja i sudjelovanja. Ciljevi i veličina se mogu kretati u rasponu od informiranja (veliki ili mali skupovi) do obuka i čak individualnih savjetodavnih usluga. Moraju biti uključeni oblici sudjelovanja za aktivno sudjelovanje. Skup ili participatorni proces bi se, na primjer, mogao fokusirati na objašnjenje aktivnosti i rezultata izrade karata, identifikaciju mogućih mjera smanjivanja rizika i objašnjenje primjera najbolje prakse. Uz to, takvi događaji služe i za povezivanje i uzajamno učenje. Moguća je integracija specifičnih sadržaja o rizicima od obilnih oborina u postojeće i dobro poznate događaje ili formate ili kombinacija s drugim temama.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
- Implementation of a little detention pond integrated into the agricultural management, DE
- Participative development of a concept for heavy rain risk reduction and sustainable soil management at Poisenbach slopes (rural conditions), DE
- Participative development of a concept for heavy rain risk reduction and sustainable soil, DE
- Improving emergency response in Leutersdorf and Oderwitz with the RAINMAN toolkit, DE
- Incorporating and training volunteers for hazard observation and increase of emergency response
- Accompanying information and dialogue during implementation of reconstruction and flood prevention measures for increasing risk awareness and acceptance by citizen, DE
- Internet-supported participation opportunities for identification of damage areas and for private risk prevention measures, DE
- Organisation and realisation of a public information event about heavy rain in Oderwitz, DE
- Individual risk assessment with the use of the flood protection certificate (HWVA), DE
- Heavy Rain Risk Check – “How well the City of Graz is prepared for pluvial flood events?” , AT
- Trainings on implementing the developed tools within the pilot regions in South Bohemia, CZ
- Local scale informative event - increasing awareness on heavy rain phenomena, together with consequences and mitigation measures at local scale conference of TRANSGEA project, PL
- Increasing awareness on heavy rain phenomena, together with consequences and mitigation measures at a wide scale at the EUROPE – INBO Conferences, PL
- Conference on Integrated Emergency Services in Crisis Situations - Session I - Innovative solutions in crisis situations, PL
- Dissemination meeting at the Institute for Territorial Development, PL
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