Contact persons and consultation hours for citizens’ consultation


Risk awareness grows and turns into action when recurring and continuous information and personal expert advice are provided to private home owners as well as to public bodies. Contact persons and public consultation hours offer a greater guarantee of success than online information services or advertising campaigns. Acceptance of measures can be additionally promoted if…

Sequential sedimentation and biofiltration systems


Such systems consist of a variety of a hydrophyte treatment plants for eco-hydrological regulation. They are structured in three zones: a zone for intensive sedimentation (in which a combination of fixed and portable structures modifies the hydrodynamics of the chamber and increases sedimentation); another zone for intensive biogeochemical processes (where thick limestone fractions capture phosphorus…

Conversion of arable land into grassland/ deciduous forest or short rotation plantations


Heavy rain risk can significantly be reduced by converting farmland into grassland/deciduous forests or short rotation plantations. The measure increases the surface roughness constantly (effect: reduction of flow velocities) and decreases soil erosion (effect: reduction of mud deposition). The measure is well-suited for steep slopes with light soils, for runoff-pathways, for fields prone to flooding,…

Strategic documents


The measure covers all kinds of inormal planning documents for the improvement of land management in order to counteract dangerous phenomena of soil erosion and surface runoff in risk areas or minimise their effects (e.g. natural retention programs, urban adaptation plans for climate change, etc.). All regulations aim at determining directions of proceedings to reduce…

Creation of inundation zones


The main goal of this group of measures is to enhance the transformational and accumulation effects of existing and re-developing floodplains by terrain modifications like lowering of banks, offset or demolition of flood protection dikes etc. This allows the water to flood the floodplain during the periods of increased discharges.

Visualisation and explanation of the specific risk situation at site


Visualisation of specific hazard and risk at site (e.g. on maps, installed billboard at locations etc.) is an effective way of pointing out dangers to affected persons and institutions. Maps indicate the specific hazard and risk on site and could be provided on the municipality’s online portal for example. Easily understandable information for the interpretation…