Creation and maintenance of retention areas in urban areas


Retention areas should be placed in the lowest points of urban areas. Surface drainage must ensure that water is diverted towards these areas – preferably on the surface (hollows, streets etc.). Receiving waters and soil needs to be protected from pollution. The realisation of central retention areas is greatly dependent on available space and the…

Infiltration belts (grass) and buffer strips (permanent vegetation)


Infiltration belts should be projected on slopes in the direction of a contour. In the vicinity of reservoirs, watercourses and built-up areas they protect them against penetration with eroded material. Buffer strips offer good conditions for effective water infiltration and slowing of surface runoff. Hedges across long, steep slopes intercept and slow surface run-off water…

Risk area identification, mapping and designation


A proper hazard and risk assessment (with informative maps as central outputs) is the essential basis for starting an integrated risk management process. The assessment is a challenging multistep task, which requires – aside from clear objectives – input data (e.g. about historic events and damages, terrain and landuse data), methodological skills and decisions as…

Culverts – suitable hydraulic design


When flood occurs, safe drainage from the affected area is often dependent on the state of culverts and small bridges. These objects are often jammed by debris and thus cause local flooding. Often, the object itself is also damaged and as a result the traffic route is interrupted. Appropriate design in terms of capacity and…

Intra-communal cooperation


All relevant actors in a community should be involved for developing an awareness of the risk and for starting cooperation. This can be done e.g. by establishment of a coordination circle (“round table”) with the participation of all actors from affected municipal departments, community council, citizens, emergency services, etc. An audit for recording the strengths…

Small retention reservoirs


Reservoirs can be classified, among other criteria, according to size, however, the classification varies from country to country (e.g. CZ <2 000 000 m³ in parts smaller than 100 000 m³). For heavy rainfall risk management, small reservoirs on smaller water courses are of particular importance. They can protect objects in risk areas from the…