Protection and preservation of existing meadows and pastures-image

Protection and preservation of existing meadows and pastures

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Surface runoff at meadows and pastures is attenuated compared to land under arable crops. Thus, a high proportion of meadows and pastures increases the retention capacity of agricultural used land and reduces the surface runoff. Therefore, the preservation of existing meadows against cultivation of crops or building activities especially in head water areas, on slopes, in runoff pathways and along watercourses is a contribution to heavy rain risk reduction.

Fields of action Settlement areas,Farmland
Additionally to flood risk reduction by slowing and storing surface runoff, the measure has medium or high possible benefits for the following biophysical impacts and ecosystem services: Reduce erosion and/or sediment delivery; Increase evapotranspiration; Increase soil water retention; Absorb and/or retain CO2; Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Groundwater/aquifer recharge; Filtration of pollutants

Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:


  • Office International de l’Eau (2015): Natural Water Retention Measures, URL: (19.03.2020): meadows and pastures
  • Amt der Oberösterreichischen Landesregierung (2015): Hangwassermanagement Maßnahmenkatalog [management of pluvial floods catalogue of measures] (unpublished brochure, online version accessible at URL: spezifische Grünlandwidmung, Schutzzonen

Christoph Albrecht, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology