Stabilisation of runoff pathways

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Pathways of concentrated surface runoff should be stabilised by permanent greening to prevent erosion. They can be reinforced by stones so that they are able to transfer the concentrated surface runoff without the occurrence of erosion on the pathway. The most common shape is a parabola with a low depth, which is most similar to that of the naturally created pathways. The measure requires an occupation of agricultural land. It should be implemented if protective soil measures are ineffective to protect soil from erosion. When accompanied by appropriate vegetation, they can be a part of the territorial system of ecological stability. The effect is enhanced when other measures exist in the contributing area. The consolidation of property rights relations might be necessary.

Fields of action Farmland
Additionally to flood risk reduction by slowing and storing surface runoff, the measure has medium or high possible benefits for the following biophysical impacts and ecosystem services: Intercept pollution pathways; Reduce erosion and/or sediment delivery; Filtration of pollutants; Increase evapotranspiration; Increase infiltration and/or groundwater recharge; Increase soil water retention; Improve soils; Absorb and/or retain CO2; Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Biodiversity preservation; Aesthetic/cultural value; Create terrestrial habitats


  • Office International de l’Eau (2015): Natural Water Retention Measures, URL: (19.03.2020): filter strips
  • Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský TGM (2018): Katalog přírodě blízkých opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině [Catalogue of green water retention measures in the landscape], URL: (25.03.2020): Stabilizace dráhy soustředěného odtoku (DSO)
  • Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie (Ed.) (2016): Dezentraler Hochwasserschutz im ländlichen Raum, URL: (25.03.2020): Dauergrünland in reliefbedingten Abflussbahnen

Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka. v.v.i.