Multi-functional traffic and parking areas dedicated as thoroughfare for runoff or as temporary inundated retention area
Public and private space such as streets or parking areas, play- and sportsgrounds can be designed for temporarily use as thoroughfare for runoff and/or temporary retention area and thus help to direct and/or slowdown runoff water in case of a heavy rain events. Temporary inundated areas or water squares are open areas in an urban environment which take up urban stormwater (e.g. from roof drainages). The incoming water is filtered first and, after temporal retention of up to 48h, is then delivered to streams or to the sewer system.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
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- Freie Hansestadt Bremen, Senator für Umwelt, Bau und Verkehr (SUBV) (Ed.) (2015: Merkblatt für eine wassersensible Stadt- und Freiraumgestaltung: Empfehlungen und Hinweise für eine zukunftsfähige Regenwasserbewirtschaftung und eine Überflutungsvorsorge bei extremen Regenereignissen in Bremen, URL: https://www.klas-bremen.de/detail.php?gsid=bremen02.c.740.de (25.03.2020): Einbeziehung städtischer Verkehrs- und Freiflächen zur Überflutung
- Anneke Bokern (2015): Water Squares in Rotterdam, Topos 90 Resilient Cities and Landscapes, 78–83, URL: http://www.urbanisten.nl/wp/wp-content/uploads/publication_UB_Topos_2015.pdf (25.03.2020)
Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology