Generating operation regulations for pluvial flood endangered facilities: commercial and industrial plans
Pluvial flooding should be considered in areas at risk. Damages in facilities can be reduced significantly, e.g. due to placement of electric installations, as well as damages originating from facilities, e.g. storage of dangerous goods and material. Periodical coordination with civil protection helps to avoid environmental damages. Plans should accommodate the likely changes in precipitation and flooding patterns derived from climate change.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
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- Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (Ed.) (2015): 1. Nationaler Hochwasserrisikomanagementplan [The first National Flood Risk Management Plan for Austria], URL: https://www.bmlrt.gv.at/wasser/wisa/hochwasserrisiko/rmp2015/risikomanagementplan/risikomanagementplan.html (22.06.2020): Betriebsvorschriften für hochwassergefährdete oder hochwasserbeeinflussende Anlagen erstellen: Betriebsvorschriften für Gewerbe- und Industrieanlagen
Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology