Contact persons and consultation hours for citizens' consultation
Risk awareness grows and turns into action when recurring and continuous information and personal expert advice are provided to private home owners as well as to public bodies. Contact persons and public consultation hours offer a greater guarantee of success than online information services or advertising campaigns. Acceptance of measures can be additionally promoted if they are implemented in municipal buildings in a way that is effective for the public.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
- Improving emergency response in Leutersdorf and Oderwitz with the RAINMAN toolkit, DE
- Incorporating and training volunteers for hazard observation and increase of emergency response
- Accompanying information and dialogue during implementation of reconstruction and flood prevention measures for increasing risk awareness and acceptance by citizen, DE
- Interkommunale Koordinierungsstelle Klimaanpassung InKoKa (2016): Leitfaden zur Starkregenvorsorge - ein Nachschlagewerk für Kommunen der Metropolregion Nordwest, URL: https://www.metropolregion-nordwest.de/portal/seiten/interkommunale-koordinierungsstelle-klimaanpassung-inkoka--900000016-10018.html (25.03.2020)
Screenshot of https://beratung-regenwasser.de