Barrages (check dams)

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Check dams act as barriers to swift creeks and gullies or usually dry pathways of concentrated surface runoff. They can be constructed in form of a sill or a step. The measure reduces the longitudinal slopes, serves the accumulation of surface waters and controls the velocity of the concentrated surface runoff during intense rainfall events. It should be implemented in case of ineffectiveness of less intensive measures and requires usually permission.

Fields of action Watercourses,Settlement areas,Farmland
Synergies may exist between heavy rain risk management measures and other development goals like environmental protection, health care, and economic performance. Harnessing them requires involvement of different actors, enforcement of exchange between you and them and holistic thinking.

Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:


  • Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský TGM (2018): Katalog přírodě blízkých opatření pro zadržení vody v krajině [Catalogue of green water retention measures in the landscape], URL: (25.03.2020): Přehrážka

Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka. v.v.i.