Tool risk reduction measures


Dry retention reservoirs with a constant flow-image

Dry retention reservoirs with a constant flow

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Various types of retention basins through which a watercourse flows. There is always a barrier across the course of the watercourse, and during low water the watercourse runs unhindered through the bottom outlet. As soon as more water flows than the standard discharge of the bottom outlet allows, this increased discharge is held back and the basin gets flooded. Basins for flood retention can either be constructed dry or with a permanent storage area.

Fields of action Watercourses,Settlement areas
Synergies may exist between heavy rain risk management measures and other development goals like environmental protection, health care, and economic performance. Harnessing them requires involvement of different actors, enforcement of exchange between you and them and holistic thinking.

Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:



Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology