Tool risk reduction measures


Conservation leases-image

Conservation leases

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Lease contracts are legally binding agreements between a lessor and a lessee of land. They contain terms and conditions to which the property has been leased out. The need for renewal of such agreements in case of a new lessee or expiring term of lease from time to time provides opportunities for the owner to implicate pluvial flood prevention measures by the insertion of restrictions (e.g. for a protective soil management or for a change of land use).

Fields of action Forests,Farmland
Synergies may exist between heavy rain risk management measures and other development goals like environmental protection, health care, and economic performance. Harnessing them requires involvement of different actors, enforcement of exchange between you and them and holistic thinking.

Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:

no good practice example available



Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology