Explore the TOOLS and METHODS:
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Successful heavy rain risk management starts with “ASSESSMENT and MAPPING” in order to identify, locate and evaluate potential heavy rain hazards and risks. Local authorities need to know where the rain water accumulates and where it can pose risks to people, infrastructure and property on its way to the next river or lake. Mapping heavy rain hazards and risks helps to communicate the topic e.g. to citizens or emergency management units. The tool explains the different elements and steps that a risk assessment for heavy rain-induced flooding consists of.



Risk communication and public relations work are important parts of dealing with heavy rain-induced flooding and reducing damages. Without communicating the risks of heavy rain, those affected do not understand them sufficiently or may not be aware of them at all. The tool “RISK COMMUNICATION” explains which messages should be conveyed to the relevant persons and institutions. You get to know which measures can be used in the context of public relations work. Good practice examples show specific possibilities for action and inspire your own implementation.


The tool heavy rain "RISK REDUCTION MEASURES” helps local and regional administrations to find, select and implement suitable risk reduction measures. It is essential to combine different strategies for risk reduction and take all fields of action into account! The tool gives you the possibility to explore different fields of action within municipalities and regions: learn about the potential risks and the respective strategies on how to address them. Guidance sections on the identified strategies provide lots of additional information. Or you search our catalogue of 100 risk reduction measures directly.

  • Firstly, get to know the risks! Heavy rain events can happen anytime and anywhere, even if a location is not close to a water body. Most of the time there is practically no warning time before heavy rain events.
  • Communicate the risks! Those affected have to be aware of and understand the risks of heavy rain sufficiently to act accordingly or implement risk reduction measures.
  • Only then, take precautions to reduce the risks! Thereby, different strategies for risk reduction should be combined while taking different fields of action into account.
  • In RAINMAN, different methods and approaches to assessing and mapping of heavy rain risks as well as different strategies for risk reduction and risk communication were tested in different landscapes (from flatlands to mountains) and area types (from urban to rural areas or agricultural land). Get an overview on all OUR STORIES.