Restoration of wetlands-image

Restoration of wetlands

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Among other benefits, the measure serves as a heavy rain risk reduction measure as it delays and attenuates also water on its way to a stream. Wetland provides water retention and improves the hydrological regime of degraded land. Rewetting includes a wide variety of large and small-scale measures, e.g. impounding measures like blocking of drainage ditches or changes in the forest practice. Wetland restoration is a long-term measure, requiring a long-term-constant strategy and constant review.

Fields of action Watercourses,Farmland,Forests
Additionally to flood risk reduction by slowing and storing surface runoff, the measure has medium or high possible benefits for the following biophysical impacts and ecosystem services: Fish stocks and recruiting; Biodiversity preservation; Create aquatic habitat; Create riparian habitat; Absorb and/or retain CO2; Water storage; Natural biomass production;Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Filtration of pollutants; Recreational opportunities; Aesthetic/cultural value; Store river water; Slow river water; Increase infiltration and/or groundwater recharge; Increase soil water retention; Intercept pollution pathways

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Sabine Scharfe, Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology