Immediate reforestation of areas damaged by natural disasters
Larger open spaces, caused for example by timber harvesting and storms, are particularly critical areas for the development of floods. Avoiding large open areas – e.g. by promoting shelter before timber harvesting – and closing the resulting open areas as quickly as possible can noticeably reduce runoff from flood-sensitive catchment areas.
Check out the RAINMAN good practice examples:
no good practice example available
- Office International de l’Eau (2015): Natural Water Retention Measures, URL: (19.03.2020): measure Continuous cover forestry
- Norbert Billern, André Assmann, Jessica Kempf, Heike Puhlmann (2018): Land-und forstwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen zur Stärkung des Wasser-und Bodenrückhalts in Kommunen, URL: (19.03.2020): Freiflächenvermeidung