Conversion of arable land into grassland/ deciduous forest or short rotation plantations-image

Conversion of arable land into grassland/ deciduous forest or short rotation plantations

  • Description
  • Fields of action
  • Synergies
  • Good practice examples
  • References

Heavy rain risk can significantly be reduced by converting farmland into grassland/deciduous forests or short rotation plantations. The measure increases the surface roughness constantly (effect: reduction of flow velocities) and decreases soil erosion (effect: reduction of mud deposition). The measure is well-suited for steep slopes with light soils, for runoff-pathways, for fields prone to flooding, and for drained areas near water courses.

Fields of action Farmland,Watercourses
Additionally to flood risk reduction by slowing and storing surface runoff, the measure has medium or high possible benefits for the following biophysical impacts and ecosystem services: Increase evapotranspiration Increase infiltration and/or groundwater recharge; Reduce pollutant sources; Intercept pollution pathways; Reduce erosion and/or sediment delivery; Create terrestrial habitats; Reduce peak temperature; Absorb and/or retain CO2; Water storage; Natural biomass production; Biodiversity preservation; Climate change adaptation and mitigation; Filtration of pollutants; Recreational opportunities; Aesthetic/cultural value; Increase soil water retention; Improve soils; Create aquatic habitat



Saxon State Office for Environment, Agriculture and Geology